incluMOVE at the event “Digital transformation with digital inclusion” by #Diginclusion Hub

The digitalisation of the world of labour is progressing and is increasingly influencing social companies. At the event “digital transformation with digital inclusion” by the innovation project #Diginclusion Hub, Maren Plehn (Femos gGmbH) is talking, not only about the challenges, inclusion-orientated companies are facing in a digitalised world, but also about the existing opportunities there are to lifting everyday working life – with the help of new assisting systems – to more inclusive levels.

On June 3rd, 2019, employees from social enterprises, science and administration met in Vienna to discuss the developments of inclusive digitalisation through several lectures. “Digital transformation with digital inclusion” is a event held by ‚arbeit plus‘, an Austrian network of charitable and labour-market-politics orientated organisations and companies.

The keynote by Joana Breidenbach, the results from the World Café as well as the interviews with Joana Breidenbach from ‚arbeit plus‘ and Maren Plehn (project coordinator of incluMOVE) can be found via the following link:

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